Drama-Free work

Content Of The Day

**Temporarily Online Only**

1) Five benefits of the seminar: Less anger and depression, better health and resiliency, the
ability to painlessly resolve tough issues, life-long alliances, and a legacy based on integrity and trust

2) Three workplace cultures: a) groups fueled by anger and mistrust, bonded only within divisive factions, b) teams that have disengaged, c) groups that are connected and cohesive, satisfying the fundamental desire to be part of a high-functioning team

3) EXERCISE: How mistrust between two individuals expands into “The Nine Stages of Escalated Conflict,” drawing in bystanders and increasing discord across the organization

4) The most important habit we bring to the table – three reactions to disagreement and how these subtle,
unnoticed choices shape our success

EXERCISE: Reflexive (knee-jerk) reactions to disagreement – the assumption that another person’s defective character or incompetence is causing our frustration Inflammatory thinking and how healthy disagreement morphs into a toxic power struggle

EXERCISE: Reflective (analytical) reactions – searching for underlying reasons –
disagreement without the drama

5) The link between chronic anger and depression – antidotes

6) EXERCISE: Experiencing the power of assumptions

7) CASE STUDY: The fundamental attribution error – labeling and blaming

8) Compensating for the intrinsic negativity bias of the brain – why neurobiologists describe our brains as “nervous and cranky,” scanning constantly for imperfection

9) The consequences of anger: Heart disease, loss of IQ, impaired memory and more

10) VIDEO: The self-defeating habit at work – the hidden costs of disparaging someone who is not in the room

11) EXERCISE: The costs of talking about someone rather than talking to them

12) EXERCISE: How to calm an angry colleague or client, neutralize blame, and move toward solutions

13) EXERCISE: How to increase your effectiveness using assertiveness and warmth

14) Energy, sustenance and health – the physiology and conditions of connectedness

EXERCISE: Increasing connectedness in your team

EXERCISE: “Hard on the problem, soft on the people” – how to create positive change without putting the relationship at risk

15) Reciprocity – accurately predicting how others will respond to our overtures

16) Your organization’s hot spots – situations you’d like to improve

EXERCISE: Discover how others perceive us when we make negative assumptions about their motives, creating negative reciprocity and “Cycles of Contempt”

The five true causes of workplace tension – it’s not the people!

EXERCISE: Revisit the same hot spots but focus on root causes rather than personalities, creating “Cycles of Courage” and positive reciprocity

17) How to open the dialogue on a contentious issue with a 96% chance of a positive outcome

EXERCISE: Using a proven process, script out a dialogue, practice and receive feedback

18) Closing: Revisit the benefits and key concepts

About the Facilitator

Headquartered in Minnesota’s Twin Cities, President Anna Maravelas, Psychologist Emeritus, has successfully resolved more than 300 workplace conflicts and authored, “How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress” and “Creating a Drama-Free Workplace” (New Wheel • Weiser • Career Press). Discover why the New York Times named her “The best source on workplace tension and mistrust.”


“I can describe my entire history at this organization using The Nine Stages of Escalated Conflict.”

- Name Withheld

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Email: info@TheraRising.com

Location: Twin Cities 

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